Happy New Year! We can’t wait to get started on a new year of ministry with you and your kids! 2022 was incredible and I know God has many amazing things planned for 2023. Each year presents an opportunity to begin with a fresh perspective and a renewed motivation for the 365 days ahead.

One of the things that I like to do each January is reflect on the previous year. What were the ups and how can I celebrate or potentially repeat them? What were the downs and how can I learn/grow from them? One of the habits from Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is to begin with the end in mind. I like to take some time alone to pray and plan for where I would like to begin at the end of the new year. Where do I feel God is leading me to be at the end of the new year? Once I have a vision, it is time to make some SMART goals. SMART goals are:
1) Specific
2) Measurable
3) Achievable
4) Relevant
5) Time-Based

Parents, my challenge for you is to take some time to pray and think about where you would like your family to be in December 2023. Do you want to be a closer family unit? Would you like to read through a specific number of bible verses this year? How can you begin this year so you can be there? Perhaps you can even help your children create some goals of their own. Elementary kids might even want to help create goals for the entire family too.

One thing is certain, when there is a vision for where you want to be and how you want to get there, you are more likely to achieve what you have set out to accomplish. The Bible has a lot to say about goals (Proverbs 16:1-3, Proverbs 21:5, and Luke 14:28-30 to name a few). Sometimes, too many goals can be overwhelming! If this is you, start this year with one goal.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for 2023, in you, in your family, in our church body, in our city, in our nation…! I am praying for you and your family. If there is anything specifically that you would like prayer for, please reply to this email. I would love to agree with you in prayer.


Alicia “Allie” Varela
Director of Children’s Ministry

Here’s what’s coming up in TWCCKids Ministry

Sunday, January 29th immediately after both services: 2023 Kick-Off Parent Meeting

At the end of this month, we are hosting a get-together for parents to encourage you and talk about how we can better partner with you in helping your kids grow their faith! See you there!

What we're teaching



“When I’m older!” “When I’m taller!” Every kid is excited to grow up — even if it’s just to finally ride that big kid roller coaster they’ve had their eye on. This five-week series is about another kid who grew up — Jesus! Through stories from Jesus’ early life and ministry, kids will learn five important truths to help them continue growing: God guides us to safety, we can love God with our actions, we can follow Jesus, God makes us ready at the right time, and God’s words help us make wise choices.