Dear TWCC Families,

It is my desire that you all know that I deeply care about your children. Each one of them has a special plan already laid out for their lives. I appreciate the trust that you have placed in me to partner with you as you raise your children and teach them about God. One of my biggest goals is for the Children’s Ministry classrooms to be a fun, purposeful and safe place for your children to learn about God and explore His character. It is a careful balancing act to offer age-appropriate Bible teaching to your children during all seasons of the year, whether it is Covid, the flu or any other season of communicable illness.

In this mindset, as my own extended family (including my nieces, ages 8 and 1, and my nephew, age 10) tested positive for Covid, I felt the Lord leading me to press pause, regroup and evaluate the best possible way to safely move forward with providing Children’s Ministry to your children. Over the past few weeks, I have been following the trends of confirmed cases for Covid in our area, specifically in regards to children. With the return to school, it comes as no surprise that there are more confirmed cases in children under 12 than any other time during this pandemic. 

Children’s Ministry classes, however, will not remain closed at this time. Beginning the first Sunday in September (9/5), all Children’s Ministry classes will resume as normal on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Volunteers will be asked to once again wear masks while they are in the classroom with your children. Although masks will be encouraged for children, I will leave the decision to have your children wear a mask at your discretion. We will continue to maintain our high level of cleanliness standards for before, during and after service. These include: offering sanitizer before snack times, washing hands after toilet trips, disinfecting toys and surfaces and monitoring children for symptoms of any communicable illnesses.

Here is where your part begins. If anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms of any illness, please stay home. I am happy to send you the lessons via mail or email. I am also happy to set up a personal zoom session with your children. If this is something you would like, I can be reached at the office or via email ( I pray your family moves forward with us. 

See you September 5th!

In His love, 

Allie Varela
Children’s Minister